The governor thinks giving doctors, nurses, and EMTs the right to object to treating patients is fine because of "the federal laws that prohibit discrimination." Without the Equality Act, that doesn't automatically include LGBTQ people.
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Last year the Supreme Court decided in Bostock that the inclusion of the term "sex" inside title VII's anti-discrimination provisions precludes private discrimination in employment based on gender identity and sexua l orientation discrimination. (here a reading of that case's syllabus) Bostock v Clayton Co (Title VII -Transgender/***) ( I do not expect that any competent federal court will find that discrimination in a possibly life-threatening situation should be LESS protected than discrimination in employment. TLDR: This will be over-ruled soon, and to my LGBTQIA+ friends, I'm sorry you have to put up with it for even a day, it's garbage, it's logically and legally unsupportable and anyone who had anything to do with this should have to re-do kindergarten.