The truth is uncomfortable but it needs to be said, the problem is that police did not view this little Black girl as a child. She was clearly in trouble. She posed no danger. She needed to be calmed and helped, not handcuffed and pepper-sprayed. I have to ask myself — even as the answer is clear — if police would have handled the situation differently if the 9-year-old had looked like me, White and blond 😔 😡.
But how can it require a state law to make clear that it is not acceptable to pepper-spray children? Even after the event, a police union official was trying to justify the officers’ actions.... let that sink in.
The truth is uncomfortable but it needs to be said, the problem is that police did not view this little Black girl as a child. She was clearly in trouble. She posed no danger. She needed to be calmed and helped, not handcuffed and pepper-sprayed. I have to ask myself — even as the answer is clear — if police would have handled the situation differently if the 9-year-old had looked like me, White and blond 😔 😡.