SeMarion endured horrific bullying from football teammates at a Plano middle school. Plano ISD did nothing to curttail the bullying. It became so bad that SeMarion had bo choice but to eventually quit the team. A couple of weeks ago Semarion was ecstatic when a former teammate invited him to a sleepover. But little did he know what had been planned for him. While at the sleepover several white students shot SeMarion with BB guns. When he was asleep they beat and slapped him, all while calling him racial slurs. And worse yet, they forced SeMarion to drink their urine.
Rally outside of the home where the bullying took place. (streamed by Next Generation Action Network)
He is in need of therapy and is planning to change to a private school. Please donate what you can to help with the expenses of therapy and private schooling. Even if you cannot donate, please share this link.
I hope he gets the justice he deserves and then some!!! I saw videos of this boy marching for his own justice!!! 💪🏽
Apparently these kids filmed their actions, goes to show the audacity and presumption that they will be protected. Males me so fucking mad!!
These boys where his team mates!! Where the hell are these kids parents?, where are the adults, this is a giant failure of the system.
We need to be outside these folks homes every night, until some serious action is taken against these boys.
This is sad, and makes me angry, the other kids responsible for this, should face some serious Consequence.